Caroline with a Pisonay tree

Andes, Perú


To me, Trees carry the essence of strength and deep rootedness. When I walk in the presence of a tree, I can feel how incredibly far her roots reach out into the space surrounding her, it's quite impressive. The sound of the wind brushing through her leaves brings instant calmness. It is truly in a forest where I feel most at home.

— Caroline Putnam 

Pisonay trees (Erythrina Falcata) are native trees to Perú. Originally from the tropical forests, this tree was introduced into the Andean highlands by the Incas, who considered it sacred. It is also known as "Red Cedar" for its height and red flowers.

A B O U T   C A R O L I N E

Caroline Putnam is an intercultural translator, sacred activist, and founder of Reviveolution. Working in deep partnership with Quechua women in Perú, their project Hampi Mamá focuses on sharing traditional knowledge, regenerative agriculture, earth-centered wisdom, and uniting communities in health and well-being.

“It is truly in a forest where I feel most at home”

— Caroline Putnam 

Photography by Liv Milani
Voice and music mixing by Joanna Lero