Support the project

If you value this project, are inspired by it, and wish to see it grow, please consider making a donation. Your contribution will enable me to keep bringing this vision to life.

Since its inception in 2017, Women and Trees has been primarily a self-funded project. My aspiration and vision is to expand the project to include many more extraordinary women and trees from around the world.

With your support, I will be able to grow the project further, including many more women and their unique voices and perspectives. My aim is to include visionary change makers and keepers of ancestral earth-based traditions, as well as thought leaders and marginal voices. Women that in big or small, obvious or less obvious ways, are uniquely contributing to restoring the natural world and our relationship to it, inviting us to remember ourselves as nature.

I’m especially aiming to bring in more indigenous women as they play a vital role in protecting the main forests of our planet. These women are often at the forefront of environmental action and advocacy in their communities. They are the keepers of the knowledge and wisdom on how to live in harmony and in reciprocal relationship with the wider community of life.

I also aspire to include women that are publicly on the forefront of environmental action, education, and land-based restoration efforts. Female change makers, thought leaders, and visionaries that are doing extraordinary and vital work to restore our precious planet and our relationship to it.

No matter how you choose to get involved, I value your support and engagement. Any amount, big or small, makes a difference and allows the project to keep on growing into a beautiful forest.

Make a donation

Make a one time donation through PayPal.

Purchase Prints

Support the project by purchasing museum quality fine art prints. All print sales directly support the Women and Trees project.

C O M I N G S O O N !

Women And Trees has been growing inside me for a long time. The portraits were taken all over the world - from the Amazon jungle and the high Andes of Peru, to the red wood forests of California, to Spain, Italy and England. The project has organically grown and developed over time and followed me on my journeys, both literal and creative.”

— Liv Milani

Your contribution will enable me to keep bringing this vision to life

Tree stump and human fingerprint
Artwork credit: @thefarwoods

“It is vitally important to help people to fall in love with the Earth, by whatever peaceful means possible”.

— Stephan Harding

F I N D   O U T   M O R E
About the project