Gretchen with a Redwood tree

California, United States

Graced by Trees

As a child, growing up in Miami, Florida, I would climb into trees and stay for hours in the mulberry, mango, ficus and banyan. My favourite place was the front-yard ficus, which held me in grounding comfort. It was my playhouse, my safety, the home of my wild imagination. 

Whether we know it or not at the time, trees are there to support us our whole lives. Lured by the breeze through the leaves, I surrender to the natural world’s magical beauty. The trees, vibrating and sparkling with life, help me awaken to the oneness of all things. I have been graced by the mighty oaks of California Gold Country, which welcomed me into their intimate family. In Marin County, north of San Francisco, the coast redwoods reign supreme. These magnificent giants stand tall amongst the forest’s other trees. I am amazed by their intelligence and intricate underground network which will continue long past our lifetimes. Living up to thousands of years, they are the record keepers and witnesses.

Gazing at the canopy of green into the dark cradle of mysterious beauty allows me to turn inward to the majesty of my own heart and soul. I listen to a sweet silence that can only be experienced in the soft sanctity of a redwood forest. The circles of the redwoods’ growth patterns become the cradles for ceremonies shared with loved ones and friends. It is as if long ago the universe knew that we would need a sacred place, a holy cathedral, to return to, to remind us of our union with all living things. I have participated in marriages, healing circles, drum circles and soul transitions in the trees’ cavernous, burned-out cores, which were scorched hollow from wildfires while the trees survived. Even in the echo of destruction, the trees rise tall, showing us how to thrive amidst challenges through interdependence and an unfaltering desire to grow.

My relationship with trees supports my healing practice. For grounding, I ask my clients to imagine their sacrum growing roots into the earth, spreading deep and wide. In between clients, I place my hands on trees for clearing and grounding, absorbing their healing energy.

I am grateful to have lived and loved amongst the trees for my entire life. I pray for their protection, for our environment, and for the awakening of all beings. Namaste.

Gretchen Grace

A B O U T   G R E T C H E N

Gretchen Grace is a holistic healer, massage therapist, bodyworker and yogini. She is a steward and caretaker to 20 acres of forested land in the Sierra foothills of Northern California since 45 years.

Gretchen is standing with a California Coastal Redwood tree (Sequoia sempervirens). Redwoods are among the most ancient and tallest trees on Earth. Majestic and evergreen, they have inspired human beings since time immemorial.

“Even in the echo of destruction, the trees rise tall, showing us how to thrive amidst challenges through interdependence and an unfaltering desire to grow.”

— Gretchen Grace

Photography by Liv Milani