Sarah with a wild and blooming plum tree

California, United States


Tree’s nameless blessings

Being among you,
is a blessing that has no name
in the many rings of your existence

I feel the surrender of an ancestor’s embrace
carved by the weather that has shaped you
your lines and curves reveal stories of endless grace
the seasons you embody
teach me about life and death & rebirth once more,
flowers blooming tenderly from a long winter’s breath

In the knowings of your silence
I re-member the freedom of what it is to be you & me
In the wholeness of our simplicity

And I re-member the dance of being Here and Now,
with nowhere to run or fly away,
with only the infinite possibilities,
of rooting deeper & growing taller,
Embracing the warmth of darkness and light.

— Sarah Varichon

A B O U T   S A R A H

Sarah Varichon is an Elemental Dancer, Facilitator of community rituals & movement explorations, Somatic Body Work Practitioner, Energy worker and an Earth protector.

“In the many rings of your existence I feel the surrender of an ancestor’s embrace”

— Sarah Varichon

Photography by Liv Milani
Voice and music mixing by Joanna Lero
Music credit: Nils Frahm – The Roughest Trade