Ute with an Ojé tree

Amazon rainforest, Perú


Trees changed my life

Trees are worlds
Trees are wisdom
Trees are teachers

Trees are lovers
Trees are doctors
Trees are friends

Trees are magicians
Trees are connectors
Trees changed my life

I learn in the Shipibo Medicine Tradition in the peruvian amazon where we participate in strong diets and fasting times to learn with the trees.

Sit still in front of a tree, fast and listen. Make yourself empty and the tree will teach and heal you. Listen, be present and open and you will receive universal wisdom through the world of the tree

— Ute Christine Behrendt

A B O U T   U T E

Ute Christine Behrendt is a Psychospiritual Coach and Mentor, Sacred Plant Medicine Facilitator, founder of True - Journey and an Earth protector.

Ute is standing by a Ficus insipida tree, popularly known in the Peruvian Amazon as “Ojé, Higuerón or Huito”. In the fig genus, this tropical tree has majestic roots, a broad and leafy crown and grows along rivers. Its milky sap, a white latex, is used by the people of the Amazon rainforest for its many medicinal uses.

“Make yourself empty and the tree will teach and heal you. Listen, be present and open, and you will receive universal wisdom through the world of the tree.”

Ute Christine Behrendt

Photography by Liv Milani
Voice and music mixing by Joanna Lero
Music credit: Poan - Bosco, Silva album