Zelia with an Olive tree

Spain, Europe


The way of the Tree

I am standing one,
my roots stretch deep, touching earth, soil, stone, and all manor of unseen creatures below,

My branches reach for the sun and my leaves dance on the wind caressing me with sweet sounds and soft vibrations,

Water is my sacred blessings filling me so I can grow in strength, width and height,

My companions live upon me filling me with their song in day and night,

I breath so others can breathe, I live so all life can live, I am vast and expansive as I create jungle, forest, sit by streams and stand among mountains,

I have witnessed many ancient days and seen a thousand painted colours in the sky as time passes by,

I change with each season as by buds burst in spring, my fruits bring sweetness in summer, my leaves become a rainbow of many hues in autumn and I stand naked and bare in winter, 

I bathe silently under the light of the moon and dance wildly in weather’s storm.

I cast my seed and l'm reborn forever giving and growing in nature's grand design.

— Zelia Pye

A B O U T   Z E L I A

Zelia Pye is a dancer, shamanic practitioner and healer, ceremonialist, Earth keeper and the founder of the Shamanic Trance Dance School. She is a steward and caretaker to a beautiful forested land with over 40 olive trees in the mountainous region of Matarraña, Northern Spain. 

“I bathe silently under the light of the moon and dance wildly in weather’s storm. I cast my seed and l'm reborn forever giving and growing in nature's grand design.”

— Zelia Pye

Photography by Liv Milani
Voice and music mixing by Joanna Lero
Music credit: Jens Felger - a musical advent calendar #23